By The Convergence's 2nd Editorial Board
Dear friends,
We are from The Convergence (TC), a student-run publication of the NUS Students’ Political Association (NUSPA). We are pleased to share with you that TC has released its first print magazine in line with NUSPA’s 45th Anniversary. In this print magazine, we have shortlisted articles from AY2019-2020 that we find meaningful and interesting for our readers to read again. You can find a strong collection of articles, opinion polls, and interviews on COVID-19, especially a piece written by a fellow NUS student sharing his semester exchange experience overseas. Besides COVID-19, this magazine also features student writings on many interesting topics, including political memes and GE2020. We are also proud and excited to present to you several interview pieces from our Conversations series. Featured interviewees include Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, Minister Indranee Rajah, Senior Minister of State Chee Hong Tat, Professor Kishore Mahbubani, and our very own NUS alumnus!
We thank you, our faithful and supporting TC readers and the NUS community, for showing us your strong support and believing in us for the past two and a half years. We would never have gotten this far without you! Moving forward, we hope that you will continue supporting us and giving us feedback on how we could better serve your interests and amplify youth voices on political matters. The print magazine is only the beginning. The journey ahead for NUSPA and TC will be long and, possibly, arduous. We hope you will walk this journey together with us, and we will be more confident and inspired to continue our work with your company.
Lastly, recruitment for the next team of writers and creatives is still ongoing. The guidelines and application form can be found here:
Application Form:
The Convergence's Editorial Board